Vaping Discussed In Parliament

[vc_row type=”container” padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]As the recent survey by the Office of National Statistics about smoking in the UK was being discussed in parliament, the topic of vaping came up, unsurprisingly.

MP Sir Kevin Barron was proclaiming that the UK government had done a great job at reducing tobacco use in the UK in the past decade, topping the European survey for the biggest decline and 1 of the top in the world in tobacco control. In the middle of Sir Barron’s speech he gave way to several other MPs (Ann Main, Gloria De Piero, and Vicky Ford), in which they expressed their concerns about the possibility of the new TRPR/TPD regulations causing the decline to “tail off”, as it has become more difficult for people to get into vaping. Sir Barron responded by saying “vaping is good for public health and I support it”. He also re-iterated the fact that Public Health England studies showed that vaping is 95% safer than tobacco smoking.

See the video below for the full dialogue.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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