Top 10 Vaping Tips

ELQD ECIGS Vaping Guides July 2024: Top 10 Vaping Tips for Starters!

Here at ELQD ECIGS we’ve all been through the same journey as any of you coming into our stores for the first time. Whether it’s to kick the habit of smoking traditional cigarettes or prevent yourself from falling into that habit, vaping is a healthier, cheaper alternative!

That means that we’ve all been in the same shoes, confused, with all these new terms and technical jabber that gets thrown about the vaping world it can be a difficult one to get started in. What we aim to do throughout this article is give you our top 10 tips for kicking the habit!

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 1, Never use your vape straight after the first fill!

First up on our list of top 10 vaping tips, we’ve been there before, you’ve just got your kit, picked out some liquid flavours that you love the sound of and filled up your kit. Popped the filling cap back on and went to take a puff, only to be greeted by a taste that can only be described as unpleasant!

Then you start wondering what you’ve done wrong, and asking yourself a million and one questions like “Is this liquid off?”. No, all that’s happened there is that you haven’t given the cotton inside of the coil time to soak in the liquid that you’ve filled it with, in order to avoid this you should always leave your device at least 15 minutes after filling prior to use!

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 2, Start Small

When it comes to vape kits there are many types, all different shapes and sizes, and these are all fantastic for their particular styles of vaping. From Pod kits to Box mods there really is something for everyone.

However, our advice here at ELQD ECIGS would always be to start small, a wee pod kit can be perfect for helping you to trash the ash or kick the disposables as these are designed to mimic the sensation of smoking a traditional cigarette and using a disposable vape. This style of vaping is known as Mouth To Lung (MTL) vaping. Perfect devices for this style of vaping include the OXVA XLIM Classic Edition or the Vaporesso XROS 4.

The other style of vaping is known as Direct To Lung (DTL) vaping, this is perfect for chucking some serious clouds and is best personified by big box mods like the Vaporesso Armour Max or the Vaporesso Gen 200. These are designed for use with thicker, lower nicotine concentration liquid and are more for when you decide that you want to vape to explore the plethora of flavours that we have available in our larger bottles of liquid, such as favourites from the Ohm Boy or Six Licks Tongue Twisters ranges!

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 3, Make use of your Local vape shop

Not to blow our own trumpets, but your local vape shop is a plethora of vaping knowledge, as we’ve said in our opening. We’ve been through most of the problems that can appear when vaping and usually know the solution from past experience, so we’ll help you and have you back on the vaping band wagon as soon as we can! 

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 4, Always purchase vaping supplies from a reputable source

We’re big advocates for always shopping local where possible, but we appreciate that calling into the local vape shop is not always an option for everyone. So when purchasing supplies on the internet we’d always recommend ensuring that you’re ordering from a well established source that has plenty of legitimate reviews, or at least concrete links to a brick and mortar store.

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 5, Always check that you’re using the correct charger

Halfway through our list of top 10 vaping tips now! Each of the kits that we stock here at ELQD ECIGS will have their own specified charge rate. Whether it be 1A or 2A it’s important that you match the charger to the device’s charge rate. You can check this by looking at the plug that you plan to use for charging. What you’re looking for is an Amp rating such as the one circled in the image below.

Untitled 1

If this value exceeds that of the rating given in the kit specifications, the device will still charge using this plug but extended charging using the higher amp plug is likely to cause issues with the battery. This can be anything from increasing the amount of degradation that the kit battery undergoes, to causing the kit to give up entirely. For this reason we’d always recommend erring on the side of caution when using a new plug.

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 6, Never Cheap out on Vaping Supplies

This is a little bit of an addition to tip number 4, when purchasing online it’s always good to follow the rule “If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is”. Cheaper liquids are often of lesser quality than more premium options and can lead to excessive leaking or causing coils to burn out much faster than normal. Same goes for cheaper coils and tanks, these are often the results of clones or fakes. Leading them to not work as expected or sometimes even cause problems with your legitimate devices. 

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 7, Never be afraid to try new flavours

Here at ELQD ECIGS, we’re well aware that at first the sheer volume of flavours can be overwhelming but this definitely shouldn’t put you off trying as many as you can until you find the one that suits you! It will take some time to find your favourite but there’s plenty to choose from for exactly that reason.

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 8, Stick with it!

This tip is more for those making the change from smoking to vaping. At the start there’ll be a rather irritating sensation when you use your vape compared to when you were smoking. This is due to the fact that as you have been smoking the back of your throat is used to that sensation, and the difference between that and vaping will cause you to have a minor cough at the beginning of your journey. 

Fret not, as this will not take long to disappear and you’ll be able to continue on your journey to being smoke free in no time!

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 9, Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Next up on our list of Top 10 Vaping Tips. Making the change is an intimidating process, and can lead to you having an awful lot of questions. Oftentimes people tend to shut these away and get frustrated when they cannot think of an answer to them themselves. This can lead to giving up the ghost with vaping due to their own frustrations. 

This is why we at ELQD ECIGS are strong believers of the saying that there’s no such thing as a silly question, and we won’t hesitate to help answer any questions that our customers may have! If you don’t have access to a local vape shop with anyone to answer your questions, there are plenty of fantastic vaping content creators out there, and we’ll link to a few of our favourites down below! 

GrimmGreen – One of the biggest ones out there, he’s been helping out with vaping reviews and news for a long old time!

Vaping Bogan – We’ve had the pleasure of meeting this absolute gentlemen at the Birmingham Vaping Expo, definetly one of the internet’s nicest guys!

Mike Vapes – The number one source for kit reviews on the entire internet!

Top 10 Vaping Tips: Tip Number 10, Don’t be afraid to change it up!

The final one of our Top 10 Vaping Tips is a perfect one to end one! The rule of variety is not exclusive to liquids, there are many different kits available even amongst the broader terms of device categories such as pod kit and box mods. Each and every one of them is different in their own unique ways. Whenever you call into our shops we’ll always try giving you our best recommendation, and usually that’s what works! If not and you really can’t get along with that kit, we’d always recommend trying something different.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this article filled with our Top 10 Vaping Tips for beginners, and who knows? Maybe you even learned a few things! Any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

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